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Addressing the Critics

The Son of Man: Urantia Project

The Son of Man: Urantia Project—Addressing the Critics

The Son of Man: Urantia Project is my effort to follow my understanding of our charge in Part 4 of the revelation to restate the life and teachings of Jesus for today’s people and to do my part in serving humanity for the sake of God.

The response to the project from readers of the revelation has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you, and I really mean that—it gets lonely out here at times.

But there have also been a couple of negative comments over the last two years questioning my right to or the reason for rewriting Part 4. The individuals making these comments seem to be running on the same energy as fanatical born-again Christian evangelicals, and I will not waste time or energy trying to crack through either of their dogmatic minds. But then again, the concerns brought up need to be addressed for the rest of you, and if there is any chance of those people dropping their fears, advancing their souls, and becoming effective kingdom workers then some sort of effort needs to be made. So, and I am going to use this opportunity to address the community as a whole and resolve any concerns there may be.

As far as to the critics, all I can say at this point is to please read Part 4 of the revelation, either the original or my version, because it is obvious you have not read it or did not understand it if you did (in that case, try my version—it is an easier read ): the authors of the revelation are clear in both our need to restate the life and teachings of Jesus for future generations, and our individual duty to get out there and promote the true gospel of Jesus—the fatherhood of God, the brotherhood of humanity, and our highest duty to serve humanity for the sake of God. That is the purpose of the revelation, clarifying those points is our duty and everything else is just mind candy to keep people’s attention.

As a side note, I can also say that in the process of rewriting Part 4 over the last two years that it has become clear to me that not only are we and future generations supposed to restate the material for our day’s people, but that the authors actually constructed Part 4 in a manner to be rewritten. I can explain that further, but later after the initial commotion has worn off.


My friends, we have (or had) a problem. We are each told to always pray for more workers in the kingdom, we are each charged with showing progressively greater fruits of the spirit in our lives so we draw more people to the kingdom. And, we are also told that the most important knowledge we can acquire in this first brief time on Earth is that of the life and teachings of Jesus, and I for one have come to believe that through experience.

So on the one hand we have those duties—to garner God more souls with prayer, improving our personal conduct, and learning and then spreading the story of the life and teaching of Jesus—and on the other hand we have: humanity’s IQ, the bell curve; we have the size and complexity of the revelation, and we have to deal with the fact that about 38% of the people in our country who graduate college never again read another book in their lives (at least that was fifteen to twenty years ago; today who knows?). And that is just the start: there are many factors hindering the spread of the life and teachings of Jesus in today’s world as it is written in the Urantia revelation.

On top of that, it also appears that we do not have much time, and that the world does not have any other viable option other than uniting humanity, not unifying cultures, under one God with most of us dedicated to enacting the Golden Rule—treating ALL others as God our mutual father would have us treat them—in our daily lives.

And no, for those of you who have not read Part 4 there is no reason to expect any help from topside: hanging around waiting for the second coming of Christ is a coward’s play. Those who do will receive no more acceptance on high than the guy who buried his talent in the ground because he was afraid of his master. Humanity has already been given what we need—Jesus’ revelation through his life of the divine love, mercy, and forgiveness of God our father—and that is the gospel we are expected to take to the people.  

Each of us has our common shared responsibilities, and each of us has those responsibilities that are both unique to us and that arise from our personal communion with God. For me, the seeds for this project were germinated back in ’89 when I first began reading the revelation, and whether or not I have actually matured enough to take it on, or the world situation is pushing the process to point where there is no other choice, I do not know, but the need to rewrite Part 4 and then present it to this world at the brink of unimaginable horror became overwhelming, and this man has learned not to defy the universe when it comes on that strong.

So here we are. For those of you still listening, I am asking you to compare my version of the life and teachings of Jesus, Son of Man: Urantia with the original, and if it passes your muster then use it as another tool to help in your kingdom work. The Son of Man material is available in various formats—text, audio, and video—and can be downloaded for free for those in need, or purchased as an e-book or paper or hardback to support the project. Even in the rewritten form Son of Man: Urantia is still around three hundred fifty thousand words, or over six hundred pages, so it is daunting for many readers. To meet this problem and to give us something for today’s shortened attentions spans, I am re-recording the final version of Son of Man and then breaking the chapters down into under 5-minute audio and video clips that I have started to post. Those and all other materials are at my substack page. For those of you who have need of a Spanish language version of Son of Man: Urantia, it will be available soon.

I am a one man show without resources other than my mind and experience: there was no way to pay for an editor this time, so the copy is not perfect. I have to deal with that embarrassment, and I am asking that you just accept that this is still a work in progress and bear me as it levels out.

I am now going to put some of you on the spot. I have a question: where have you spent most of your time in the revelation? In parts one through three, or in part four? My experience with readers is that the vast majority of them indulge their fascination with the factual type of information in parts one through three—all the cool stuff that tickles humanity’s emerged mind and that I believe was offered to us because of that mental dominance in most people and as way to keep their attention—but people seldom put much effort into studying part four of the revelation about Jesus, the transformative stuff that will change them.

This approach is based in subconscious fear. It is similar to how Nalda changed her conversation with Jesus over to theology instead of moving on to her own personal salvation. If this is you, if you have not read part four to the point in the text where it tells you that the knowledge of the life and teachings of Jesus is the most important information you can attain on Earth, then my friend you are still a spectator and have yet to rise to being a kingdom worker. Now the choice is yours, but remember that you already bear responsibility for the little knowledge that you do have and you will be judged accordingly.

Right now, the most important thing for people who claim to believe in God is to meditate on the warning that we have been given: which is, nothing static survives, including us. If we accepted the gift, we are expected to grow in it. The only thing that really matters in this life is leaving this planet with our faith intact, and with the assurance that we have progressively shown the fruits of the spirit in our brief time as a member of the kingdom of God on Earth. It takes courage, as it should, but it not only writes our name in the roll call on high, but in doing so we also meet all of your other worldly responsibilities at our highest capacity. We become the best we can be through serving others, not ourselves.  

Okay. That is it. Links are below.

Defend your liberty, no one else will do it for you.

Protect those innocent ones, from conception through puberty.

Find your own way to serve humanity for nothing more or less than the sake of God our father.

We are honored to be workers in the kingdom.

Godspeed, everyone.

Bob Kezer

3 September 2024

Son of Man: Urantia

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E-book, paperback, hardback


YouTube and Twitter: @SonofManUrantia



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Son of Man: Urantia Project
Son of Man: Urantia Podcast
"Son of Man: Urantia" is a rewritten version of, “The Life and Teachings of Jesus,” as recorded in Part 4 of “The Urantia Book.”