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Options for the British

They're stuck...

Options for the British:

When the normal institutional channels for political change no longer work, the people have two options: violence, or nonviolent civil disobedience. Combining the two has happened, but is problematic.

The catch is that while nonviolent conflict works better against dictators than does violence (and the harsher the dictator the more successful it seems to be), it has never worked in a western style democracy much less against an empire.

Furthermore, while none of the aspects of a successful nonviolent campaign are in and of themselves sufficient for victory, the need for outside third-party actors to exert pressure on the regime is almost always an element of the plan, whether that be people-based boycotts or sanctions by other governments, etc.

It appears the Brits are stuck.

They do not have the capacity to fight back, and no outside governments are going to come to their aid. Neither are the people in other countries going to exert the pressure needed for change—everyone else is dealing with their own similar problems.

Britain may be the match that ignites the same across Europe.

No political system or social construct will solve these problems.

And no religion on Earth that places God separate from you the individual, or that assumes divine preference over others will bring us the peace that is our eventual destiny.

The answer is with us, humanity.

Or rather, the answer is INSIDE each and every one of us capable of choosing greater truth, beauty, and goodness over that of lesser truth, beauty, and goodness—in other words, choosing toward God instead of away from God.

Our answer is unity, not uniformity: unity under the umbrella of one God the father that is literally present in each person, and the subsequent realization of the brotherhood of humanity and our highest duty to serve humanity for the sake of that God. That Golden Rule applies to everyone, not just those of your faith.

All united in siblinghood, but worshiping our mutual God the father in our own ways.

We have a way to go, but we can see the light ahead. And America, it’s up to us to lead the way.

Godspeed, everyone. Let’s get to it.



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Son of Man: Urantia Project
Son of Man: Urantia Podcast
"Son of Man: Urantia" is a rewritten version of, “The Life and Teachings of Jesus,” as recorded in Part 4 of “The Urantia Book.”