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The Master: An Introduction to The Son of Man: Urantia Project

OPEN LETTER—A Cry from the Wilderness

In honor of serving God our father for the sake of humanity, I pray the Spirit of Truth in all people guide my words and open the hearts of those who hear to the truth of God the father and the siblinghood of humanity.

Dear people,

This is a call to action. Your free gift of eternal life is at risk, and God’s will continues to be subverted.

Humanity has been divided and our race is being destroyed for the benefit of a few. These forces are winning, and will continue to do so until humanity’s fate is sealed or we unite under the umbrella of the fatherhood of God and the siblinghood of humanity, embrace our highest duty to serve humanity for the sake of God, and eventually take our rightful place as sovereigns of our world under Jesus’ sovereignty over the greater universe.

This is possible, but enough of us have to have the courage to trust our inner voice when it comes to determining the truth in spiritual matters.

God himself and Jesus’ Spirit of Truth are literally inside each and every person collaborating to lead them to perfection, and true religion is nothing more than our personal experience of communing with this spirit of God inside of us. No person or religion has authority to speak for God: that right was Jesus’ alone. But what he taught us was not well understood at the time, and the changes made to his gospel have held us back from taking our rightful place in the universe’s progression to life and light in harmony with the Paradise Trinity.  

Regardless of our faiths, or even some people’s reasons to deny God, we have all been taught many false teachings about the nature of God our father and the revelation of the living son of God, Jesus of Nazareth.

The fact that the entire material realm of time and space has been created for you to ascend from being born a finite mortal to becoming a divine perfected eternal soul has been hidden from you. The result is the increasing horror we are experiencing on Earth, and this will continue until enough of us assume our divine destiny.

Absolutely none of what we are witnessing now or has happened in the past is God’s fault, and all references to God ordering or condoning human barbarism are false.

There are reasons for our world’s confusion, and they are not all humanity’s fault. Still, these misunderstandings about God’s nature and the reason for Jesus’ incarnation on Earth must be clarified before we can proceed. They are keeping us at war, and increasingly people on Earth are denying God and or Jesus. No political system or social construct will serve our needs until the people staffing these organizations embrace their higher duty to treat others as a loving, merciful, and forgiving God the father would have them treated—the highest level of the Golden Rule.

The following video touches on some of the essential knowledge humanity needs to know to bring our world back into spiritual balance with the rest of the universe. These teachings once heard carry responsibility—Jesus wanted more workers for the harvest, not spiritual lackies. Eternal life is freely given and has to be freely received, but from there we have to earn our spiritual progression every step of the way.

I pray the Spirit of Truth guides each of you reading this to watch the following video, determine its validity through the voice of God inside of you, and if it leads you to greater truth it urges you to share it far and wide and support this effort to once more bring humanity the true life and teachings of the living son of God, Jesus of Nazareth, a.k.a. Michael of Nebadon.

Robert A. Kezer, PhD

The Master: An Introduction to The Son of Man: Urantia Project

7:08            Our Universe

14:44          Our Soul, the Gift of Eternal Life, and Our Option to Accept It

19:30          Jesus of Nazareth

23:10          Christianity

Fifteen Points of Clarification on God and Religion

1. True religion 27:39

2. God is love, mercy, and forgiveness 29:56

3. The Golden Rule 33:26

4. The atonement doctrine 34:20

5. The crucifixion 35:24

6. Virgin birth 37:24

7. Violence 38:01

8. On prayer 39:03

9. On intention 40:12

10. By their fruits; The world is a bridge 42:39

11. The devil 46:43

12. Evil, sin, and iniquity 48:50

13. Non-resistance to evil; self-defense; carrying the pack an extra mile 51:48

14. The second coming of Jesus 57:00

15. Miracles and superhuman events 59:58

Links: 1:02:32

Defend liberty.

Protect the innocents.

Serve humanity for the sake of God.



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Son of Man: Urantia Project
Son of Man: Urantia Podcast
"Son of Man: Urantia" is a rewritten version of, “The Life and Teachings of Jesus,” as recorded in Part 4 of “The Urantia Book.”