Trust in Divine Providence
Excerpt: Ch. 19, pt. 2, The Ordination of the Twelve
Son of Man: Urantia, 2nd ed.
You cannot sincerely worship God and at the same time wholeheartedly serve Mammon. having now enlisted unreservedly in the work of the kingdom, do not be anxious about your lives, much less be concerned with what you will eat or what you will drink, neither for your bodies nor what clothing you will wear. Already you have learned that willing hands and earnest hearts will not go hungry. And now when you prepare to devote all of your energies to the work of the kingdom, be assured that the Father will not be unmindful of your needs. Seek first the kingdom of God, and when you have found entrance to it, all things needful will be added to you.
Full episode here:
Son of Man: Urantia, is a restatement of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth as presented in the Urantia revelation and in accordance with its urging to do so for today’s generation.
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Godspeed, everyone.
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