Son of Man: Urantia, is the story of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

Based on the Urantia revelation, this account of Jesus’ life was recorded by the celestial being assigned to the Creator Son, Michael, who came to Earth as Jesus of Nazareth to bring humanity and the mortals on all other worlds of time and space a new revelation of God.

Jesus’ gospel is the Fatherhood of God, and the subsequent siblinghood of humanity. God is our Father; we are each through the presence of a spirit of God in our minds a son of God, and entrance into our Father’s kingdom can only come from having faith in our Father’s love and mercy.

Jesus did not come to dictate this truth to us or to impose it on us, but rather to show us through his daily life the way to perfection with God our Father. From there it’s our responsibility to make the free will choice to adopt God’s will as our will as we work toward perfect oneness with our Father.

Bob Kezer


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Son of Man: Urantia, is the story of the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Based on Part 4 of the Urantia revelation.
