Sitemap - 2024 - Son of Man: Urantia Project

Chap. 22, Going Through Samaria

Sorry, chap. 22 problems

Jesus Explains Spiritual Rebirth to Nicodemus

Jesus Explains the Evolution of Understanding God

Thomas's Question on Suffering and Jesus's Revelation

Spiritual Evolution and Understanding the Kingdom

Chap. 21, The Passover at Jerusalem

Jesus’ Unyielding Mission and Extraordinary Nature

The True Character of Jesus

Jesus' Advanced Teachings and Personal Relationships

Chap. 20, Beginning the Public Work

Understanding Jesus' Stance on Non-Resistance and Justice

Jesus' Teachings on Family and Religion

Humility, Courage, and Virtue in Jesus' Teachings

Understanding Jesus' Life and Teachings

The Essence of the Child-Father Relationship

Chap. 19, pt. 2, The Ordination of the Twelve

Individual Freedom and Character Growth in Jesus' Teachings

Jesus on Inner Spiritual Life and Redefining 'Neighbor'

Jesus on Justice, Kindness, and the Family

Brotherly vs. Fatherly Love

Living Well and the Value of Religion

The Everlasting Kingdom

Immediate Pleasure vs Long-term Satisfaction

Commandments of Love, Mercy, and Justice

Chap. 19, pt. 1, The Ordination of the Twelve

Matthew's Transformation and Full Devotion

Thomas's Admiration for Jesus's Balanced Character

Exploring Nathaniel's Character

Integral Christ

Nathaniel the Peacemaker

The Consequences of Rejecting Spiritual Light

The Tragic Downfall of Judas

Thomas's Leadership and Loyalty

Matthew's Secret Generosity

Simon's Journey from Rebel to Follower

Addressing the Critics

Philip's Humble and Persuasive Approach

Andrew's Strengths and Personal Contributions

Strengths and Flaws of John

Chap. 18, pt. 2, The Twelve Apostles

Simon Peter, Impulsive and a Bit Thoughtless

Profound Impact of Jesus on John

The True Backgrounds of the Apostles

Jesus Defends His Fellowship with Sinners

Jesus Clarifies the Spiritual Nature of His Kingdom

Chap. 18, pt. 1, The Twelve Apostles

Jesus' Mission to Teach Higher Truths and Humility

Ordination of the Twelve Apostles

Jesus on Equality Among Apostles

Amazement at Jesus and His Apostles

Inclusivity in the Kingdom of God

Jesus' Message of Faith

Chap. 17, Training the Kingdom's Messengers

The Journey of Goodness and Spiritual Growth

Jesus' Timeless Advice on Friendship

Jesus on Spiritual Unity and Avoidance of Dogma

The Gift of Spiritual Growth

The Interplay of Religion, Science, and Philosophy

The Nature of the Soul and Divine Guidance

Transcending Time and Space Through Spiritual Consciousness

Jesus Reveals Jacob's Children and Teaches About Divine Love

Jesus' Strategies for Ministry and Healing

Appeal for Action

Jesus on the Relationship Between Religion, Science, and Philosophy

Truth, Knowledge, and Faith

Evolving Understanding of God's Nature

Jesus Reveals the True Kingdom of Heaven

Mercy and Justice: Jesus' Philosophy

The True Essence of Spiritual Unity

Divine Paternal Love and Understanding

The Great Decisions 1

Jesus’ Baptism

Joseph’s Death

Rebecca, Ezra’s Daughter

A Gospel for Today

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The Time on Mount Hermon

John and Jesus Meet

Jesus and the Young Man Who Was Afraid

Gabriel’s Announcement to Mary

Relax Into the Unknowing

Action Plan: The Way to Peace on Earth

Power is the Golden Rule

It's a Soul Factory

How to Go Forward

The Second Greatest Lie Ever Told

No Respecter of People or Religions

Knowing God's Will from Our Ego

The Greatest Lie Ever Told

Where Our Problems Began

An Appeal to Agnostics and Moderates of all Faiths

Common Father: Common Bond

Common Father: Common Bond

The Luciferic Rebellion, Lost Knowledge, and Jesus' Purpose on Earth

Paradise Trinity and Creator Sons

Options for the British

On Protecting the Innocents

Jesus—Miracles and Wonders

Second Coming of Jesus

Non-Resistance to Evil and Self-Defense

Evil, Sin, Iniquity, and Hell

The Devil, Demons, and Today’s Satanic Worship

By Their Fruits; World is a Bridge

On Intention

On Prayer

Live By It, Die By It

Virgin Birth

The Crucifixion of Jesus

The Atonement Doctrine

The Golden Rule

For Those with the Ears to Hear

God is Love, Mercy, and Forgiveness

Our Soul, Eternal Life, Our Option to Accept It

Christianity—The Need to Unify

Jesus—The Bestowal

True Religion

The Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth

True Message of Jesus and Global Impact

Son of Man: Urantia, 15% Off

The Master: An Introduction to The Son of Man: Urantia Project

Chap. 16, Waiting Time in Galilee

Chap. 15, John Begins to Preach

Chap. 14, John the Baptist

Chap. 13, The Transition Years

Chap. 12, The Return from Rome

Chap. 11, While in Rome

Chap. 10, The World’s Religions

Chap. 9, On the Way to Rome

Chap. 8, Jesus’ Later Adult Life

Chap. 7, Jesus’ Early Manhood

Chap. 6, The Adolescent Years

Chap. 5, The Two Crucial Years

Chap. 4, Jesus at Jerusalem

Chap. 3, Jesus' Later Childhood

Chap. 2, Jesus' Early Childhood

Chap. 1, Birth and Infancy

Prologue, Son of Man: Urantia

It's Published!

The Plan

Jesus' Faith

After Pentecost

Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth

Final Appearances and Ascension

Appearances in Galilee

Appearances to the Apostles and Other Leaders

15% off Volumes 1 and 2!

Jesus' Morontia Appearances

The Resurrection

The Time of the Tomb

The Crucifixion

Just Before the Crucifixion

The Trial Before Pilate

Before the Sanhedrin Court

Jesus’ Betrayal and Arrest

In Gethsemane

Final Warnings

The run to Easter

The Farewell Talk

The Last Supper

Chapter 13

Last Day at the Camp

Wednesday, the Rest Day

Tuesday Evening on Mount Olivet

The Last Talk in the Temple

Chapter 12

Tuesday Morning in the Temple

Monday in Jerusalem

Chapter 11

Going into Jerusalem

Opps - forgot your code: WOMENWRITE15

Vol. 1 & 2, 15% off Lulu Bookstore

On the Way to Jerusalem

The Kingdom of Heaven

Chapter 10

Last Teaching at Pella

The Resurrection of Lazarus

The Visit to Philadelphia

Chapter 9

Last Visit to Northern Perea

Capítulo 13

Chapter 8

Capítulo 12

The Perean Mission Begins

Capítulo XI

Volumes 1 & 2, English & Spanish - 10% off

Chapter 7

At the Feast of Dedication

Capítulo 10

Capítulo 9

Ordination of the Seventy at Magadan

Capítulo 8

Chapter 6

Capítulo 7

At the Feast of Tabernacles

Capítulo 6

Chapter 5

Capítulo 5

Capítulo 4

Capítulo 3

Capítulo 2

Further Discussions with Rodan

Chapter 4

Rodan of Alexandria

Chapter 3

The Decapolis Tour

15% off Volumes 1&2 through tomorrow

Capítulo 2

Clarification of Purpose

Clarification of Purpose


Chapter 2

Capítulo 1

El legado de Étienne de la Boétie


En Cesarea de Filipo

Estancia en Tiro y Sidón

Huyendo por el norte de Galilea

Últimos días en Cafarnaún

La crisis de Cafarnaúm

Acontecimientos que condujeron a la crisis de Cafarnaún

Pasar el rato y enseñar junto al mar

Tercera gira de predicación

Segunda gira de predicación

Formación de evangelistas en Betsaida

El interludio visita a Jerusalén

Primera predicación en Galilea

Cuatro días llenos de acontecimientos en Cafarnaún

En Gilboa y en la Decápolis

Atravesando Samaria

La Pascua en Jerusalén

Inicio de la obra pública

La ordenación de los doce

Los doce apóstoles

Formar a los mensajeros del reino

Pasar el tiempo en Galilea

El bautismo y los cuarenta días

Juan el Bautista

Los años de transición

El regreso de Roma

En Roma

The Mount of Transfiguration

Reviews for, The Boétie Legacy


Boétie Legacy is up; need Spanish reader

Chapter 1

The Legacy of Étienne de La Boétie


Las religiones del mundo

Camino de Roma

La vida adulta posterior de Jesús

La temprana madurez de Jesús

La adolescencia

Los dos años cruciales

Jesús en Jerusalén

La infancia posterior de Jesús

Update: nose-down, butt-up...

La primera infancia de Jesús

Nacimiento e infancia de Jesús

La Trinidad y los siete dones de Jesús

La Tierra antes del nacimiento de Jesús


Academic Transcripts

Oh, Ecuador...

At Caesarea-Philippi

The Stay at Tyre and Sidon

Fleeing Through Northern Galilee

Son of Man: Urantia, Volume 1, ON SALE